Slovenska Pristava invites you to its annual Oktoberfest on Saturday October 2, in Pristava’s Lausche Hall.
Doors open at 5:30pm.
A delicious meal of Wienerschnitzel, bratwurst, side dishes and an apple strudel dessert will be served between 5:30pm-7:30pm.
The Gottscheer Blaskapelle (brass band) will perform beginning at 5:30pm.
Enjoy a wide selection of traditional German beers and stay after dinner to enjoy the musical talents of the Veseli Godci.
Dinner tickets must be reserved in advance by contacting Ursi Prosen at (216) 233-3689 or email
A $5 entrance fee will be charged to all non-members.
We look forward to seeing you there! Prost!
To receive updated information, like us on Facebook, refer to the website or call the information hotline at 440-290-9615 as the date gets closer.