Start the 2021 summer season at Slovenska Pristava’s Opening Day Veselica featuring “Slovenska Hrana Na Žaru”, Slovenian-style grilling feast, on Sunday, May 30!
Dinner will be a variety of grilled meats cooked to perfection including side dishes and dessert.
Dinner is $17.00 and no need to make reservations.
Dinner will be served at 2pm – 4pm followed by klobase and hamburgers from the kitchen.
NEW THIS YEAR- Take a chance to win at the 50/50 and Chinese Raffle! Enjoy Live Slovenian Music with Veseli Godci, Balinca and the playground!
Weather permitting the Pristava pool will be open. We are looking for volunteers to help in the kitchen, tickets, bar and grill.
If you would like to help or have any questions, please call or email Andrej Ribic 440-539-4751 or
Non-members $5 entrance.